Are you a Foodie?

foodie fun quiz Sep 19, 2019
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How to Save Money on Healthy Eating and Superfoods

superfoods Dec 05, 2018

We all want to eat healthier, but sometimes it seems like eating healthy comes with a price. Put some money back in your wallet with these tips to save money on eating healthier and on super foods.

#1. The most important tip is to stick to your list! Don’t be caught buying impulsively, as that ends up costing you more in the long run, and those impulse buys are often not very healthy.

#2. Make smarter choices. Do not pick up junk food and you will save a ton of money right off the bat. Junk food costs us more money in the long run, never mind what it does to us – costing us thousands in medical bills and other related expenses. Junk food only seems cheaper.

Buy the highest quality of food. This is not where you want to skimp, as high-quality food is healthier for you than low-quality food. Buy foods that you eat a lot of at the highest quality.

#3. Buy cheaper cuts of meat. This is especially important when buying organic, as cheaper cuts of organic meats are often of...

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Healthy Foods: A New Beginning


Welcome to Healthy Foods Recipes!

Healthy Foods Recipes was started a few years ago as I was training for the Ironman.  I was learning how to juggle a full time job and working out full time, while managing to eat healthy meals on the go between work and workouts to keep my energy and performance levels at its peak. As an athlete I knew my body inside and out.  I knew when I needed more food, when I needed more sleep, and when I could push past the "oh I don't want to get out of bed and work out again" to when my body desperately needed another day of rest. 

A few years have past since Ironman and in that time period I have developed an autoimmune disease known as Hashimoto's disease.  I have had hypothyroid issues for several years however just recently led to Hashimoto's which is an autoimmune disease that causes hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid. (It is possible to can have hypothyroidism without having Hashimoto's.) It can also cause the...

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5 Health Benefits Of Avocados



Avocados are a unique fruit that has a rich, creamy flavor and due to their high-fat content, they offer some unique health benefits. This article will provide you with a full overview of five of the main health benefits of avocados.

Benefit 1 - Healthy Heart

Avocados contain high concentrations of various nutrients that support your heart and keep it robust and healthy. First, the healthy fats in avocados act as fuel for your heart when it’s placed under stress, combat heart disease and also lower blood levels of triglycerides (a type of fat that increases your heart disease risk when high levels are found in the blood). Second, the B vitamins in avocados help to reduce blood levels of homocysteine – a substance associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Benefit 2 - Healthy Skin

The polyunsaturated fats in avocados nourish your skin and keep it bright, clear and soft. They also protect against a range of skin disorders including dermatitis, psoriasis,...

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Goji Berries: Why Are They So Good for You?

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2017

New to the Western world, these little red berries known as Goji berries have been used by the Chinese for 2,000 years. And the monks in the Himalayan mountains have used them longer yet. When steeped in water, they claim the mixture gives them greater vitality, longevity, energy, stamina health and are an all-around better meditation.


When eaten raw, dried, or in either liquid or dry form, the phytonutrients, vitamins and trace minerals in goji berries helps fight disease because of their anti-oxidant properties, manage weight due to them being low in calories, and aid in digestion because they are a good source of fiber. They are an excellent example of a superfood!

Known as wolfberries in China, the Chinese have used them as part of their medicine to treat depression, anxiety and a host of mood disorders. Because of their high content of beta-carotene, we use them in the Western world to support skin and eye health, along with preventing heart disease and regulating...

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Spirulina: What is It & How Can It Benefit Your Health?

superfoods Jun 23, 2017

If there is the perfect food concerning health benefits, we have not found it yet. And the one we have now is not new; the Aztecs knew how good it was for them and frequently ate it. What we are talking about is a blue-green algae form of bacteria called Spirulina that grows in both fresh and salt water.

When taken in either powder or tablet form, a 7-gram dose provides the following nutrition:

• 4 grams of protein
• 1 gram of fat
• Vitamins B1, B2, and B3
• Copper
• Iron
• Magnesium, potassium, manganese and trace amounts of almost every other nutrient we need

At 20 calories per serving and 1.7 grams of complex carbohydrates, gram for gram it is the single most nutritionally complete food known to man today.

Health Benefits

One of the largest benefits of taking spirulina is because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory response. Free radicals produced as a waste of cellular energy production can cause many health issues including cancer, diabetes, and...

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Top 5 Foods for Natural Energy


We all require energy to function and have the stamina to go about daily activities. Without it, productivity levels fall drastically as fatigue sets in. Consequently, many people like to eat or drink energizing foods and beverages to remain at their best throughout the day. But, too often than not, we reach for candy bars and soft drinks like Red Bull to keep our energy levels up. However, such processed foods and drinks are only rich in sugar or fast metabolizing glucose. Soon after consuming them, a quick drop in energy follows, leaving you feeling lethargic or even in a bad mood.


The good news is that there are energizing foods that can sustain vitality for longer periods and prevent a drastic drop in blood sugar. Such foods often contain complex carbohydrates, which are known to digest slowly and provide lasting energy. The list of healthy energizing foods is long. However, if you want a few quick suggestions, here are top 5 foods for natural energy.

1. Oats
Dubbed the...

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Top 5 Foods for Vitamin C

nutrition vitamin c Jun 21, 2017

Vitamin C is an important nutrient that is essential for maintaining good health. Its roles in the human body are varied. The most important is maintaining immune system function. This vitamin is also required to synthesize collagen, carnitine, and neurotransmitters. It acts as an antioxidant by destroying free radicals and plays a major role in many of the body’s enzyme functions.

Insufficient vitamin C may lead to a wide range of health problems. What’s more, the body does not synthesize or store this nutrient. As a result, vitamin C needs to be constantly replenished from the food we eat. The following post will list top 5 foods for vitamin C that you can include in your diet to maintain good health.

1. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are perhaps the best-known source of vitamin C. One small orange (96g by weight) offers up to 51.1mg of vitamin C, which is more than half the Recommended Daily Allowance for healthy adults. Other citrus fruits packed with this essential...

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Why Water Shouldn’t Be Forgotten as a “Superfood”

hydration Jun 20, 2017

Without water, none of the other superfoods matter; life would not exist. Our bodies as a whole are composed of about 80% water; 85% of our brain, 80% of our blood and 70% of our lean muscle is comprised of the liquid of life. While we can live weeks without food, we can only last about three days without water.

Why plain water is the best

We are constantly deluged with ads about how this drink or that is the next best thing for us to drink. But study after study has shown that plain H2O is still the best.

Coffee and tea taste good, but both have the opposite effects as far as hydrating the body because of their diuretic properties, meaning they take water out of the body. For every cup of coffee or tea you drink, you excrete a cup and a half through urination. Unless replaced, it doesn’t take long to get dehydrated.

Soft drinks aren’t good for you either. Most of them are either sweetened with an artificial sugar that is not good for you, or real sugar which can spike...

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Top 5 Superfoods to Add to Your Green Smoothie

Uncategorized May 03, 2017

Smoothies make a great addition to any healthy diet. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, energizing sugars as well as protein depending on the ingredients used to make them. Blended fruit contains water as well, and thus can keep you hydrated. You can whoop up smoothies that are more nutritious by adding leafy green superfoods to your recipes. Despite their swamp-like appearance, green smoothies are delicious because the taste of fruits overwhelms that of raw, bitter vegetables. The best part is that your green smoothies will get a boost of phytonutrients, which are hard to come by in blended fruits only.

There are dozens of leafy-green superfoods you can add to your smoothies. To help you get started, here are top 5 superfoods to add to your green smoothie recipes. You will also learn what they bring to the table regarding nutrition.

1. Kale

Kale is a nutrient dense leafy-green. One raw serving containing 100g by weight provides at least 3g of protein. It will also contain...

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