Healthy Foods: A New Beginning


Welcome to Healthy Foods Recipes!

Healthy Foods Recipes was started a few years ago as I was training for the Ironman.  I was learning how to juggle a full time job and working out full time, while managing to eat healthy meals on the go between work and workouts to keep my energy and performance levels at its peak. As an athlete I knew my body inside and out.  I knew when I needed more food, when I needed more sleep, and when I could push past the "oh I don't want to get out of bed and work out again" to when my body desperately needed another day of rest. 

A few years have past since Ironman and in that time period I have developed an autoimmune disease known as Hashimoto's disease.  I have had hypothyroid issues for several years however just recently led to Hashimoto's which is an autoimmune disease that causes hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid. (It is possible to can have hypothyroidism without having Hashimoto's.) It can also cause the thyroid to be hyperthryroid or overactive based on the amount of thyroid hormone being released within the body. What happens when hypo or hyperthyroidism  becomes and autoimmune disorder is when the immune system starts attacking the thyroid.  The thyroid then becomes damaged and is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone.  This underproduction/overproduction process leads to a series of other issues which affect the heart rate, metabolism, as well as other organs including additional hormonal issues.   

The list of symptoms can range in low heart rate to high heart rate. Extreme fatigue where even 8 hours of sleep does not provide enough rest to extreme anxiety that keeps one going until the body is too exhausted it can not go anymore then crashes. It can cause weight gain and weight loss. It causes mood swings, depression, acid reflux along with digestive problems. Basically in a nut shell you just don't feel well and you are not sure why or what is the cause. What makes this so sad is that most doctors run a very basic thyroid test which allows the disease to go undiagnosed.  Symptoms get worse.  You try telling the doctor somethings is not right however blood tests say your thyroid levels are normal leading you to feel like a crazy person that can not communicate what is happening on the inside.

Today I am much better, happier, healthier and full of energy, however that did not happen over night.  I would like to share my story and journey to getting healthy again and how just like Ironman training, I had to make some lifestyle changes to make that happen.

I would like to share some of my experiences in hopes to help others with autoimmune disorders along with my passion for great food that nourishes the body to keep you full of energy and feeling your best.



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