New to the Western world, these little red berries known as Goji berries have been used by the Chinese for 2,000 years. And the monks in the Himalayan mountains have used them longer yet. When steeped in water, they claim the mixture gives them greater vitality, longevity, energy, stamina health and are an all-around better meditation.
When eaten raw, dried, or in either liquid or dry form, the phytonutrients, vitamins and trace minerals in goji berries helps fight disease because of their anti-oxidant properties, manage weight due to them being low in calories, and aid in digestion because they are a good source of fiber. They are an excellent example of a superfood!
Known as wolfberries in China, the Chinese have used them as part of their medicine to treat depression, anxiety and a host of mood disorders. Because of their high content of beta-carotene, we use them in the Western world to support skin and eye health, along with preventing heart disease and regulating triglycerides, blood sugar, and cholesterol.
Grown on a plant in the same family as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and chili peppers, ¼ cup of goji berries as a snack provides 100 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, 13 grams of natural sugar, but no saturated or trans fat. It also is a great source of 20 vitamins and minerals, 18 amino acids, five healthy unsaturated fatty acids and a selection of phytochemicals. Is there anything goji berries don’t do? If there is, we haven’t found it yet!
While goji berries are mid-range at 3,290 on the USDA ORAC chart – a score that measures a food’s oxygen radical absorption capacity – what sets it apart from other fruits is its amino acid content. Out of its 18, 11 are essential, meaning the body cannot make them and must get them from food.
And as far as a provider of vitamin C, these berries that taste like a cross between cranberries and cherries have 500 times more than oranges when compared weight for weight!
While people of all ages can benefit from eating goji berries, older adults seem to derive additional benefits including less hypopigmentation in their eyes, less erectile dysfunction, and more stable blood sugar.
As with other foods taken for their medicinal benefits, be sure to check with your healthcare provider before starting. They can confirm or deny if they may help you and provide a recommendation as far amounts taken that may benefit you.
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