How to Save Time Making Smoothies

Uncategorized May 03, 2017

Smoothies make great snacks and can even replace a meal in your day, but they can take a lot of time to make. But with some creativity and the tips below, you can cut the time and still have your smoothie.

Save time (and money) going to and from the grocery store several times a week by buying in bulk in one trip. And when in season, getting fruits and vegetables from a farmer’s market or roadside stand means you are getting it as fresh as you can – picked just hours earlier right out of the field.

As long as you are going to make the mess of preparing fruits and vegetables for your smoothie, clean up enough for a week’s worth. It takes a little more time, but you’ll only have to clean up the mess once, and you are done.

After your vegetables are cleaned, divide into portions that are enough to make one smoothie and store in zip-lock bags in the refrigerator. Then when you need to make a smoothie, grab one bag.

You can do the same thing with fresh fruit too. Just clean, divide, seal in a bag. What you are not going to use within a few days, freeze for use later. When you need fruit, open a bag and dump it into your blender.

And as long as you are making smoothies, here again, make the mess once and make more than one serving. They keep in the refrigerator for two days or stored frozen for up to three months. To help prevent oxidation, add a teaspoon or two of lemon juice. If using a frozen smoothie, be sure to take it out of the freezer the night before, so it has time to thaw out in the refrigerator.

Arranging your kitchen, so it is more efficient to make smoothies is also another time saver. Instead of putting everything away that you need to make smoothies, made a “smoothie station” on your countertop where everything you need is right at your fingertips.

No more digging everything out and putting it away afterward. A few times of doing that and soon you are not making as many smoothies as you should due to the inconvenience of getting everything ready and putting it away.

Making smoothies doesn’t have to be a time-consuming job if done smartly and by using the tips in this article. Batch making from your smoothie station using pre-packaged ingredients will save loads of time and will always have smoothies ready at your fingertips.

Want to know the 3 Best Smoothie Containers? Click Here


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